At the blog: The Presurfer
that lists site purpose as Daily Dose of Diversion
- how to breathe to reduce stress
The Breathing Circle is a tool for combating stress, anxiety, and panic attacks.
Try It - very cool. Helps for relaxation and also if quitting smoking, eating or other habits.
Which led me to Breathing Circles
Groups meet to practice breathing
So, what is Breathing Circle?
Breathing Circle is a network of people who are committed to:
Breathing Circle is a network of people who are committed to:
- Health and healing through breathing practice
- Self-healing through transformational energy states
- Conscious community meetings and workshops "
And if you really want to spend mindless time procrastinating
Connecting Bloggers that lists Most Bizarre Sites and Oddities
Such as :
Unfortunately Placed Ads
And ..
Most Bizarre Body Modifications
** WARNING: not for weak of heart**
Eyeball Tattoo
Happy Saturday and a Better Sunday !!
...darleen & jan
gee...and all I did yesterday was bake a hot fudge cake. Must blog today...must first wake up!