Sunday, June 20, 2010


My Fondue Forks 
- are still in Alberta.
I returned home, but the forks were not allowed on the plane. I forgot about the forks that were packed in carry-on bag with the chocolate fondue set. Oops!!

I had 4 options:
1) Have fondue set transported through checked baggage
 - Cost $50 as over the 2 bag limit
2) Store the FORKS in airport at $1/day until retrieval
 - MUST have copy of documentation to retrieve
3) Call Jan and have her collect
 - if she has not left the airport parking area
4) GIFT the forks to airport staff and forget them.

I managed to successfully complete Option #4 - as Jan was just exiting the airport parking garage, and could swing by the departure drop-off area. I met her there, and quickly tossed the forks and the fondue candle in through the open window!! Mission completed, and now could return through Airport Security once again, and make it to my gate on time.

Therefore I am home from Alberta, but Fondue Forkless.

Fondue forks are very tiny forks, and not very sharp, and made in China made out of material that is metal-looking material that bends and breaks easily, how much damage do you imagine they could cause? Most likely a pen could cause the same damage, but we are allowed to carry pens aboard.
Go figure.

More details on our experiences from the 2 weeks to follow regarding our walking adventures, craft events, shopping events, family events, retail therapy, laundry challenges, early morning and late night chats and of course healthy food and beverage choices.

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Alberta
  1. Problems follow you to Alberta - apparently are allowed on the plane.
  2. Family pets do not care if you are allergic.
  3. Laundry can always wait - buy enough undies and socks to last a month.
  4. Picking up after teenagers you share bathroom with is optional
    - however necessary if you want to actually use the bathroom
  5. If you are hungry cook enough for at least 8.
  6. Beer, wine  and other alcoholic beverages appear magically from the basement.
  7. Being caught between multiple televisions playing is good test of your hearing.
  8. Naps can be taken anywhere and anytime.
  9. If you want to save money, don't take the children with you when shopping.
  10. Sneaking out to the Dairy Queen without the family makes you feel young
    - like a teenager!
  11. Check the door is unlocked before closing and avoid locking yourself out.
  12. Learning to knit again is hard work.
  13. Last one up is responsible for locking doors, shutting off lights and pets requests.
  14. If you see something that needs to be put away - do it.
  15. Finding time to have chat privately may be required to be done by texting.
  16. Retail therapy is mandatory for all women.
  17. Chocolate is a major food group - is too!
  18. Motherhood is not easy.
  19. Mall walking does count as exercise.
  20. Saying goodbye is NEVER easy!

Tomorrow - story of KNITTING ONE SOCK Adventure... and what knitting can do for your state of happiness and your sex life.

...darleen & jan

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