So .. here we are. Jan is on the left at age 50 and Darleen is on the right at age 55.
We have been friends since 1975 - that is 35 years long, with at least 30 years being separated by 1600 miles, since Jan moved to Alberta.
When we were young and foolish, with stars in our eyes and illusions of love and grandeur we came up with our ideas of what our pinnacle of success would be. This mostly surrounded having found our Prince Charming, living in a glorious wonderful house - that magically would be perfectly decorated and always in perfect order, 3 - 4 wonderfully beautiful perfect mannered and intelligent children, and of course we would not have to work outside the home any longer. Ahh ... yes we would be able to lounge our days away eating BON BONS and watching our favourite soaps all day, while life ran itself as we would be so surrounded by 'love'. And I do recall we were sober and not under the influence of recreational drugs at the time, we came up with this definition of 'success'!!
Of course the joke was on us, as we soon discovered. Prince Charming was more difficult to capture than we imagined, although Jan did a pretty good job. Darleen had a bit more problems in this area. Both of us did manage to have the wonderful beautiful children at approximately the same time. Darleen had the first child and 2 years later both Jan and Darleen were pregnant at the same time - Darleen due with twins on Nov 29th and Jan due with her first Oct 29th. Oops Darleen's twin daughters arrived Oct 29th, and Jan was left waiting 2 more days for her first son to make his appearance. Needless to say C-Sections, night feedings and all the fun of wonderful beautiful babies left little time to lounge around. We did however still find time to sneak in some BON BONS, while breast feeding or between diaper changes. We were not beautifully coiffed or dressed in designer gowns while eating our BON BONS!! Ahh .. well soon enough we discussed life would get easier.
Well Jan went on to have 5 wonderfully beautiful children, and Darleen had the 3 wonderfully beautiful daughters. Both continued working outside the home at least one full time job - Jan as a nurse and Darleen as a Medical Laboratory Technologist and then Computer Support Tech. Life was hectic, and BON BON times were done on the sly and still no lounging. The beautiful homes did come - but almost always strewn with toys, laundry, pets and other sundry things obliterating any decorating feats we attempted.
As years went by we did manage to enjoy BON BONS amid the chaos of household chores piled up, and our wonderful thin glamorous girlish figures took a beating! Not quite the image we had in our youth.
Fast Forward to the year 2010 -- ugh ... how did this happen? Why are we not lounging in our beautiful homes as our children have grown and left us to purely enjoy our success? Darleen is still working and her home is under complete renovation. Jan still has 3 children at home, at least has achieved 'retirement' - but her Prince Charming is still working long hours leaving her to manage the roost.
Years of eating BON BONS and other delectable treats and maybe too many glasses of wine to soothe our nerves after a rough day with the %%$^* wonderful children - well has caught up with us, and our youthful thin figures have become middle age splurge!!
Texting between us has become a daily habit and engrossed in finding the elusive happiness and TRUE meaning of success. How do we eliminate the feelings of depression, inadequacy and fact we do not feel appreciated? We have had to pull out our credit cards for yet larger sized clothing, after a particularly good batch of Christmas baking - this is truly getting out of hand and in the wrong direction from our BON BON goals!!
So ... we have decided we must get things under control!
We WILL regain our THIN beautiful bodies & our self esteem.
And appreciate ourselves!!
And appreciate ourselves!!
The CHALLENGE we are giving ourselves - GET THIN!!
Start Date: Monday, February 22, 2010
End Date: As long as it takes!!
Goal: To Look and Feel GOOD!!
How are we about to do this?
With all resources that we can pull together, but it appears that our best success will be had by not putting as much food in our mouths and moving more!!
First thing on our agenda is NO BON BONS!!
Weight Watchers
EXERCISE - we already maintain gym memberships -- next step is to actually enter the gym.
This is the beginning of our journey to reclaim our thin bodies and find true success along the way.
We welcome you to join us as we log our adventure.
....darleen & jan

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